On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。
In the old Liberal party the peace movement was a powerful voice. 和平运动在过去的自由党内呼声很强。
Through the years, the liberal Party in Britain has lost power and influence. 英国的自由党这些年来已失势。
He later drove efforts to create a liberal party that would bring together all reformist forces in Russia. 涅姆佐夫后来致力于创建一个将俄罗斯所有改革派力量联合起来的自由党派。
The only answer for aspiring India may well be a new liberal party, which trusts markets rather than officials and focuses on the reform of institutions. 对于雄心勃勃的印度,唯一的答案恐怕是出现一个相信市场而非官僚、注重制度改革的自由主义新政党。
Its antecedents were the Great Campaigns of the liberal party. 其先例就是自由党的几次重大竞选运动。
That forceful young woman edged out the former chairman and is now chairman herself. The chairman of the Liberal Party, James Tien, accused civil servants of being callous in refusing to take pay cuts during the current economic downturn. 那位强硬的年青妇女排挤走了前任主席,她自己现在当主席。自由党主席田北俊指责公务员在经济放缓时拒绝减薪是硬心肠的。
How federal liberal party leader is elected? 自由党党魁选举的程序是怎样的?
And this morning, I had separate meetings with the Right Honorable Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Honorable Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party. 今天上午,我分别会见了哈珀总理和自由党领袖伊格纳蒂夫先生。
He declared himself ( to be) a member of the Liberal Party. 他自称是自由党人。
A liberal party, the Congress for the Republic, finished second with thirty of the two hundred seventeen seats. 自由党派保卫共和大会党(theCongressfortheRepublic)获得了217个席位中的30个席位,排名第二。
He should be the next leader of the liberal party. 他应该是下一届自由党的领导人。
He switched to the Liberal Party in1904 and later switched back to the conservatives. 1904年,他转投自由党,后来又转投保守党。
The Liberal Party is expected to be returned to power in the forthcoming election. 在即将进行的大选中自由党有望重新上台。
Liberal Party chairman and executive councillor James Tien Pei-chun said he was concerned that there was widespread discontent in Hong Kong society. 自由党主席兼行政会议成员田北俊表示关注香港市民对社会广泛不满。
Given the immense importance from a constitutional and legal point of view, the Liberal Party welcomes the exceptional step taken by the CFA. 基于在宪制和法律角度上的重要性,自由党支持终审法院今次采取特别的处理方法。
Liberal Party leader James Tien Pei-chun also said the single-developer approach was not the only option. 自由党主席田北俊亦表示单一招标并非唯一的选择。
Earlier in the day, independent Bob Katter threw his support behind the opposition conservative party-called the Liberal Party. 星期二早些时候,独立议员凯特宣布支持保守的反对党,即自由党。
This research expounds the Liberal Party's attitude and policy towards the Treaty of Berlin, thereby revealing the conflict and reconciliation between classical liberalism and modem imperialism. 本文探讨英国格兰斯敦政府对于一八七八年欧洲列强所订柏林条约的态度及推行政策,由此阐明自由主义与帝国主义理念之调和与冲突。
How many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election? 有很多人决定不支持这些跨党竞选的候选人。
Disloyal conserrvatives were welcomed into the liberal party. 不忠诚的保守党人加入自由党受到了欢迎。
Both brothers lived through the decline of the liberal party. 两兄弟都经历了自由党的衰退期。
The two factions of the Liberal Party have declared war to the knife. 自由党中的两派已声称要战斗到底。
The decline of the Liberal Party and the rise of labour. 自由党的衰落和工党的得势。
The chairman of the Liberal Party, James Tien, accused civil servants of being callous in refusing to take pay cuts during the current economic downturn. 自由党主席田北俊指责公务员在经济放缓时拒绝减薪是硬心肠的。
The case of Right Cause, a liberal party headed by Mikhail Prokhorov, a billionaire tycoon, confirms that Russia's leaders have limited tolerance for anything outside their control. 由亿万富翁MikhailProkhorov领导的自由党派一事说明对于任何超出他们控制范围的事情,俄罗斯的领导人们的忍耐都是有限的。
The prime minister, John Howard of the ( conservative) Liberal Party, looked on with ill-disguised fury. 当时的总理,保守的自由党人约翰·霍华德将其视为故作姿态的愤怒。
How many parties ran against the Liberal Party in the general election? 这次大选中多少个党与自由党竞争?
The Liberal Party therefore a eals to the government once more to defer the second reading of the bill. 因此,自由党再次向政府提出,要求押后恢复草案的二读。
The writer is the former leader of the Liberal Party of Canada 作者为加拿大自由党前党魁